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A cup of black coffee, an open notebook, pen and macbook on a wooden desk. In a sepia tone.

Event planning and becoming an event planner

Event planning is something we have probably all had to do at some point in our lives. It is the process of organising and co-ordinating an event, usually with a number of people there (I’d say more than 5) which has a purpose of gathering people together. It can be a conference, seminar, launch, workshop, webinar, summit, awards ceremony, live podcast recording or even a board meeting. Event Planning is a core aspect to our business.

A pile of scrunched up paper in and around a recycling bin - illustrating the need for the event industry to do more about sustainability

What is the event industry doing about sustainability?

The event industry is traditionally very heavy on single use items. Carpet that gets installed for a 5 day show then scrapped.  A car track created for an 8 minute new product launch, then scrapped. Venues have seen it all.  The whole industry can have significant environmental, social, and economic impacts on the communities in which their events are held. So what is the event industry doing about sustainability?

Image of a busy event space with audience and speaker

How to hire services from event management companies – 8 tips

Whether you have a specific event you want support with, or an annual calendar of events, hiring services from event management companies, or event agencies, is an important step towards reducing your stress levels. So let’s walk through the process of how to hire event management services in an effective way…

An illustration of lots of colourful pages from a calendar.

What’s the best time of year and best day to host an event?

This is a question we often get asked, and of course it’s not as easy as saying “Tuesdays in March”. Is it even possible to identify the best time of year and best day to host an event?

Well, it depends on your audience and it depends on what else is going on in your industry – or the industry of the people you are trying to gather. Let’s dig into the detail…

How to create productive hybrid events

What was the best hybrid gathering you went to? Did you know you were at a hybrid gathering or were you just connecting with the main speakers and the others who were sharing the same space as you? Everyone made the pivot to online meetings and events in the pandemic because we had to. We didn’t necessarily choose this, but it might not surprise you to learn hybrid meetings are not going anywhere. So let’s explore how to create productive hybrid events…

Image of smiling female marketer surrounded by images of marketing icons and arrows

How To Use Events In Your Marketing Strategy

Some people see events as fluff, a nice-to-have, but to do that is to miss out on a huge strategic advantage. Bringing people together accelerates brand affinity, it enables greater buy-in. Facilitating more and more people to speak of you highly and recommend you to others is the nirvana of marketing, it’s what growth and creating positive change is all about. So let’s find out how you can use events in your marketing strategy!

Contingency planning for face-to-face events during Autumn and Winter

Great news yesterday, as Covid19 hit its lowest infection rate since October 2021 in the UK. This is fantastic for events, connections and getting people together. We are in the process of planning in-person events for Winter 2022 – but it would be foolish not to think about our contingency planning, you need to have robust plans in place, should the situation change. 

As part of our event planning we are always doing risk assessments. Part of the risk assessment is contingency planning – considering all the possibilities and options to overcome them. Covid19 contingency planning is just part of the risk assessment and is good practice. 

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