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An image of a group of people at an outside activity, as part of an event. The group is stood by the old walls of an Italian city as someone speaks to them.

Work is a lonely place – Why events are the new office

As we continue to work remotely, the traditional office dynamics have changed. Work is a lonely place. This is why events can be the new office. An opportunity to build connection, creativity, and collaboration among teams. As humans, we are inherently wired for connection (Brené Brown). Yet, we often see our workdays being isolated in our work, even though we maybe surrounded by others, whether in a coffee shop or at home. Forbes highlights that 40% of us work from home at least one day a week, we are still looking for ways to cultivate workplace camaraderie.

Re-imagining events in the future

Every time there is a global shift – the financial crash of 2008, the fallout from 9/11, the pandemic of 2020, there is an opportunity as humanity evaluates what’s important, where should we be focusing? What’s important to me, my workplace, my business, my family, my people? Our perspective can shift, a little or a lot. What does this mean for events in the future?

How WhatsApp has revolutionised event comms

“Make sure you sign your radio in and out each day” used to be a phrase I would use all the time in my event briefings.  There has been the occasional last minute panic when we thought we’d forgotten to order radios – just to clarify though – it never happened. But that just highlights how critical event comms are! Let’s explore how WhatsApp has revolutionised event comms. WhatsApp is one of the most popular messaging apps in the world. You can read more about other apps here.

Can you imagine not being able to communicate quickly and discreetly with the whole event team?

What do we actually do at Autumn Live?

I’ll begin with a story. Before I started Autumn Live I once worked for Picturehouses as the Marketing and Business Development Manager. One day, one of my children came home from school saying they had to tell everyone at school what their parents did for a job. “Oh that’s interesting sweetie, what did you say mummy does?” I waited with baited breath…

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