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Manchester private dining – Our top 10 recommended restaurants

One of the best ways to connect with your clients or potential clients is to host a private dinner. This can be a carefully curated combination of your clients (clients love to meet each other!) or you could be connecting a community of different people to build your reputation in your sector. With so many restaurants in Manchester to consider – get our top 10 restaurants for Manchester private dining, plus our tips and key things to consider…

An image of a calendar showing the month of December

Why December is Perfect for Hosting Webinars (and how to nail yours)

December – a month filled with festivity, Christmas parties and a slowdown in business activity where it seems like everyone is busy. However, this time of year is actually a hidden opportunity, especially when it comes to hosting webinars. While it might seem like everyone is caught up in holiday preparations, many professionals are using this quieter period to focus on personal development and wrap up their year with new knowledge.

London private dining events - top London restaurants

London private dining – Our top 10 recommended restaurants

One of the best ways to connect with your clients or potential clients is to host a private dinner. This can be a carefully curated combination of your clients (clients love to meet each other!) or you could be connecting a community of different people to build your reputation in your sector. With so many restaurants in London to consider – get our top 10 restaurants for London private dining, plus our tips and key things to consider…

Image of smiling female marketer surrounded by images of marketing icons and arrows

How To Use Events In Your Marketing Strategy

Some people see events as fluff, a nice-to-have, but to do that is to miss out on a huge strategic advantage. Bringing people together accelerates brand affinity, it enables greater buy-in. Facilitating more and more people to speak of you highly and recommend you to others is the nirvana of marketing, it’s what growth and creating positive change is all about. So let’s find out how you can use events in your marketing strategy!

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Podcasting – What are you listening to?

When we are walking, travelling on a train or driving a car, sitting in a park, in a garden or at the beach, we can choose to listen. Technology enables us to listen to our favourite playlist, radio show, podcast or audio book wherever we are. Multi-tasking (travelling and listening) is one of my favourite things. Getting some extra steps in and learning at the same time!

What do we actually do at Autumn Live?

I’ll begin with a story. Before I started Autumn Live I once worked for Picturehouses as the Marketing and Business Development Manager. One day, one of my children came home from school saying they had to tell everyone at school what their parents did for a job. “Oh that’s interesting sweetie, what did you say mummy does?” I waited with baited breath…

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