We are all so used to gathering digitally at online meetings, events, conferences and workshops, we’ve participated in so many over the past 2 years. But what tools can you use to connect people at online events? Read on as we dive into a range of tips and tricks that can help your audience feel like they’ve taken part and not just watched.
Chat function
This is my favourite functionality about all the online platforms that we use. I love posting a cheeky comment or a gif or emoji (whatever the platform will allow) to connect with other people during the event. It can be quite lonely when no-one else is doing it though. Chat is your secret weapon in an online event, it’s always worth prepping a couple of people (particularly if they are knowledgeable about the event topic) to add a comment, pose a question, or post a response in the chat.
As an event host, it’s great to connect people together and to do this really early doors at your event. You can pose a question – one of my favourites being “What is the weather where you are today?” (obviously VERY British question!) or “What did you have for breakfast?” or “What can you see out of the window where you are?” These kind of questions help to connect your audience, make everyone feel like we’re in this together and we’re starting from the same place – even though we may have very different roles and responsibilities within our organisations.
Use the chat box – plan for it – stimulate discussion. We always have key event messages prepped in advance in their own box on the schedule, so we can super quickly copy and paste across.

Networking Function
Lots of online platforms have a networking function – many of them for a few people to connect together and some for One-to-One networking – this is my favourite type of networking. It’s so easy, it’s high energy and you can meet a lot of people in a short space of time. I don’t think there has been one client that hasn’t been nervous about introducing the 1-2-1 networking, but when they’ve tried it, every single client has loved it, and requested more or adjusted the programme on subsequent days to include more 1-2-1 networking.
It’s so simple, you click ready to connect, you get a quick preview of who you’re about to connect with (you can duck out at this point – no-one will know!) you connect via video and have a set time (2 or 3 minutes usually) to chat to the other person via video. The conversation is timed, so ends automatically, no awkward getting stuck with the same person during the whole 20 minute networking break (like I used to at in-person events!) and because the turnover is high, the energy and enthusiasm remains high throughout and you can quickly connect with a lot of people. We highly recommend you try it – absolutely everyone loves it. (Unless you don’t like people, in which case, events may not be for you anyway!)
Update your profile
This is a super-simple way to increase engagement and help connect people at online events – if people just see a name or a black screen with your initials for your profile at the online event, they are less likely to engage with it. If they see your smiley face, profile picture, icon or even your company logo, that instantly reminds them of you, it makes you recognisable, more memorable, and increases engagement during the event.
Being human is something we all recognise and value more than ever before, so seeing your face and feeling like I’ve met and spoken to a real person is super powerful during online events.
Add some fun
There’s often options to add in polls, quizzes, votes, or games of one kind or another into your online event – utilise these! A bit of friendly competition can help ignite an audience and raise the engagement levels. So make it fun and watch the audience’s energy level go up. Check out Slido, Kahoot! and Mentimeter and get inspired!
Build confidence
Event attendees will enjoy an event more if they felt like they have been able to contribute, connect with others, offer advice or answer questions alongside learning something during your time together. However, it may be new, and for some that feels scary. So be clear in your pre-event comms, set expectations well and communicate enthusiasm for this opportunity to connect. Get a variety of voices to champion the event and all the ways people can connect. Something we always do is a walk through video, a way of showing everyone what the online looks like, how it functions and how easy it is to use the different areas, for all attendees to watch before the day – increase people’s confidence.
Bringing it all together
So, to connect people at online events, plan to engage with your attendees, use the chat function and make it a regular part of your events, so attendees know what to expect. Try out networking, see what feedback you get. Encourage people to personalise their profiles, add in some fun to your proceedings and build user confidence through your pre-event comms.
We’d love to know how you get on – just a simple tweak to your online events can make a huge difference to participants takeaways.