I’ll begin with a story. Before I started Autumn Live I once worked for Picturehouses as the Marketing and Business Development Manager. One day, one of my children came home from school saying they had to tell everyone at school what their parents did for a job. “Oh that’s interesting sweetie, what did you say mummy does?” I waited with baited breath…
“You sell popcorn in a cinema”
I was mortified. Not that there’s anything wrong with selling popcorn in a cinema. I have a lot of good friends that do, they are also session drummers, teachers, artists, creators. I just couldn’t believe I hadn’t managed to convey to my then 6yo what my job entailed!
(It was a great job by the way – I got to meet Quentin Tarrantino and organise his film premier. I hosted Liam Gallagher for a film Q&A, I got to see new releases of films before anyone else – hosted by Pixar, Fox Searchlight and Warner Brothers. “I work at a cinema” just didn’t do it justice!)
It depends
One of the questions many of us get asked a lot is: “What do you do?“ And often, the answer varies – depending on who is asking, depends on what the answer is!

For Autumn Live, my answer to the question “What do you do?” is: we help people create memorable live events that enhance their brand, expand their social reach and help them to maximise their marketing efforts. We have a passion for health & wellbeing and the creative & digital sectors. Sadly, my 6yo is not going to understand this, but this is the essence of what we do. I’m hoping most of you reading will be able to grasp this.
Maximising opportunities
We build on relationship (because we believe relationship is everything), work with our clients and help them to make the most of every opportunity, be it a strategy for social media, producing a festival or conference, co-ordinating seasonal entertainment, consulting on a suicide prevention strategy or marketing a mindfulness product to key audiences. We want our clients to feel like they made the absolute most of their opportunity by working with us.

Another focus of Autumn Live is our consulting, particularly around Health and Wellbeing. Simon, one of the company directors, has particular skills in marketing within the health and wellbeing sector. He has specific expertise and experience in suicide prevention and mental health. Maybe the dream job for us would be to organise an event for the digital and creative sector around the subject of health and wellbeing, including the delivery of the marketing and social media strategy. And there, now we’ve articulated it, that is really what we should do.
But in the meantime, what could we do to help you make the absolute most of your opportunity?
Get in touch – do you need an event organising seamlessly? Do you need to engage with your customers using different methods? Do you need an extra pair of trustworthy hands to co-ordinate a project that you just don’t have time for right now?
Let’s talk… (I’ll bring the popcorn)