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Re-imagining events in the future

Every time there is a global shift – the financial crash of 2008, the fallout from 9/11, the pandemic of 2020, there is an opportunity as humanity evaluates what’s important, where should we be focusing? What’s important to me, my workplace, my business, my family, my people? Our perspective can shift, a little or a lot. What does this mean for events in the future?

Connecting with people at online events

We’ve all experienced Zoom fatigue, back to back meetings with colleagues, clients, suppliers and even friends. How can you still connect with people at online events when you’re being forced into breakout rooms not of your own choosing? (Actually Zoom has changed this now and you can select which breakout rooms – but only if the organisers let you!) As an organiser and producer of live events we have really seen the need to think carefully about the delegate journey. Connecting with people at online events doesn’t happen by accident.

Binary Festival T minus 1 and counting…

The best part of the event is build up. This is the day before the event. Christmas Eve Eve if you like. Everything starts to happen tomorrow, the tech guys will turn up at Hinterlands and will build the stage, install the lighting and make everything sound amazing.  There will be final badge making, setting up registration and the inevitable requests of “Can I change my gathering?”.  I will take all this in my stride, because we are onsite. …

What do we actually do at Autumn Live?

I’ll begin with a story. Before I started Autumn Live I once worked for Picturehouses as the Marketing and Business Development Manager. One day, one of my children came home from school saying they had to tell everyone at school what their parents did for a job. “Oh that’s interesting sweetie, what did you say mummy does?” I waited with baited breath…

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