Contingency planning for face-to-face events during Autumn and Winter
Great news yesterday, as Covid19 hit its lowest infection rate since October 2021 in the UK. This is fantastic for events, connections and getting people together. We are in the process of planning in-person events for Winter 2022 – but it would be foolish not to think about our contingency planning, you need to have robust plans in place, should the situation change.
As part of our event planning we are always doing risk assessments. Part of the risk assessment is contingency planning – considering all the possibilities and options to overcome them. Covid19 contingency planning is just part of the risk assessment and is good practice.
…Contingency planning for face-to-face events during Autumn and WinterRead More »
Hybrid events – what you need to know
Whilst many organisations and companies initially responded to the global pandemic by putting all events on hold, many of the organisations we have been speaking to have now moved to a place of exploring and using online event formats. There is another option to consider if you think your options are only online events or in person events – hybrid events. Find out what you need to know…
…Future event planning – what does this look like now?
One of the key tools in any event producer’s toolbox is the ability to plan. Consider all the possibilities, take action and make decisions to put a thoughtfully crafted, detailed plan into action. We’re sure we are not alone when we say one of the biggest impacts of Covid-19 is that the ability to plan has been stolen from us. Let’s explore your options for future event planning. …
Future event planning – what does this look like now?Read More »
How WhatsApp has revolutionised event comms
“Make sure you sign your radio in and out each day” used to be a phrase I would use all the time in my event briefings. There has been the occasional last minute panic when we thought we’d forgotten to order radios – just to clarify though – it never happened. But that just highlights how critical event comms are! Let’s explore how WhatsApp has revolutionised event comms. WhatsApp is one of the most popular messaging apps in the world. You can read more about other apps here.
Can you imagine not being able to communicate quickly and discreetly with the whole event team?
…Our highlights of Binary Festival 2018
Last week we delivered the Binary Festival 2018, a creative, digital and tech conference. We gathered together communities of people in those industries building and making something incredible in Liverpool, the city region and across the North of England. …
What do we actually do at Autumn Live?
I’ll begin with a story. Before I started Autumn Live I once worked for Picturehouses as the Marketing and Business Development Manager. One day, one of my children came home from school saying they had to tell everyone at school what their parents did for a job. “Oh that’s interesting sweetie, what did you say mummy does?” I waited with baited breath…