Explore these 6 ways to capitalise on social media at events and do it like a pro…
1 Social Media Platforms
Firstly decide on the platform/s relevant to your event. Each event will have its own demographic and own set of users. We’ve seen people organise events thinking the 35-55 print-buying market were into Twitter only to find no-one using Twitter or using the hashtag (and even some people asking what the hashtag meant). TikTok, Instagram and Snapchat are all popular event tool, but your audience need to be using the platforms. Know your market, know where they are active and use those platforms to get the best engagement.
2 Access
Make sure everyone knows how to get onto the venue’s wifi if it’s an in-person event. Not only do you want people to feel connected whilst at your event, they need to be able to connect to each other whilst at your event. No one is going to engage if they can’t access your chosen platforms.
If you’re doing an online event, have a look at this article about connecting with people at online events, and if you’re doing a hybrid event, where you have an in-person and an online audience, check out this great post on our 6 top tips for hybrid event planning.
3 Event Hashtag
To really boost social media at events get a unique hashtag – use it and share it. Make sure it’s simple and that people know what it is. During the event encourage people to use it. Run a tweet show on a screen, or use the Walls.io app on Hopin; integrate a competition using Twitter as part of the housekeeping at your event. Get people using it on Instagram, Stories, Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest. Incentivise people by offering prizes for using the hashtag.
4 Content
Share engaging content before your event. If someone has been inspired enough and taken the time to sign up to your event, get them engaged with your brand by sharing some content they will want to see, for example:
- A short video of one of your speakers
- Images that inspire
- Blog posts that challenge or present alternate viewpoints to get the conversation going
- Instagram live work well – ask them for their ideas or burning issues, post a poll, so they can influence sections of the programme
5 Sharing
Set up a LinkedIn group. Build a community that continues beyond your event. When people have registered, encourage them to post about it, tweet about it and share it. Start conversations about the event. What are you looking forward to? What do you expect to learn? Ask the relevant questions people could experience before attending the event, their answers can inspire others to come along too.
6 Engage
Throughout the event make sure you (as the organiser) and any staff you’re able to delegate to, are sharing content via social media and re-sharing everyone else’s content so your participants are made to feel valued. Also, deal with any complaints/questions quickly – this shows your ability to accommodate and respond in an open and friendly way. Ever had someone earn your respect for the way they’ve handled a tricky situation in real life? It’s the same online, now’s your chance to shine!
In summary
I hope you find these 6 tips helpful with your event planning. For more info about how Autumn could help you deliver event and social media success, drop me a line!