Organising an event is pretty easy right? We’ve all hosted a party or two, got some mates together for a drink or organised a birthday celebration meal. We may have even organised our own wedding – stress free and easy right?
Sometimes. Sometimes it’s not so straightforward.
When you need to carry on doing your day job (running a company, doing the accounts, running the company diaries, ordering, managing staff – let’s stop here because the list is endless..) you need people to help organise events for you. Because let’s face it – it could and can turn into a full time job. The stress is real. Especially when it’s something special or one-off like an organisation celebrating 25 years. Or a Christmas party when you want to enchant and surprise your staff and you don’t even want the accounts team to get a glimpse of the invoice for the stunt team you just booked.
It’s surprisingly cost effective
- Most event organisers have built up a list of trusted suppliers they use on a regular basis and can get discounted costs for AV, printing and venue hire.
- They will charge you for the time worked on the project or for a complete project cost, particularly if you know your budget. Often the agency model of billing for hours worked is used. But usually, if an event agency knows what they are doing they will work more hours than they charge you for – all in the interest of good client relationships and repeat business.
- There’s much less time needed by you to manage them, as organising events and thinking about all the different factors required (like Health & Safety docs, insurances or Temporary Event Notices) are logistics they do all the time.

One of the major benefits of using an event agency is that you actually get to enjoy your own event. Whether it’s:
running your team building session
praising your staff through an awards ceremony, or
partying at the organisation’s 70 year anniversary
When you are not thinking about if the food is ready to be served, if the light settings are programmed to switch when the speaker comes on, or if the welcome packs are all ready to be given to guests, you can actually have a good time!
Conclusion – help organising events
Enjoying your event?
Stress Free?
Cost effective?
Who doesn’t want that when you are planning your companies activities? Shout “Please help me organise events!”
There’s no harm in planning ahead, get in touch now! We offer a complimentary consultation for one hour (over the phone or cup of coffee if you’re in London or the south central region!). Plus, a proposal with costs, so you can see how your event could shape up.
Let’s make it happen.